Floating Community - LagosJul 19 2021 This project is located at the edge of Makoko, a neighbourhood located across the third mainland bridge, on the coast of Lagos’ mainland. The aim of the project is to provide sustainable housing for low income communities and simultaneously address three key issues of Makoko - rising water levels, lack of green spaces and lack of pedestrian friendly circulation spaces.

The design consists of a series of communities placed together in a modular method forming a grid like structure, providing the communities to have a view of each other. Each community consists of four blocks joined together by an organic shaped bridge serving as a connection element and also as an outdoor public space. Each block is designed to accommodate an average of 6 families on the first and the second floor, hence each community having the capacity to house up to 24 families which roughly adds up to 350 people. The ground floor is left as a public space for local shops and supermarkets along with internal circulation for boats.

2018-2024   @derekyudp     @Dongpei (Derek) Yue